There’s no better time for giving back than the holy month of Ramadan, especially in an ongoing pandemic. That’s why Naggari Food, in partnership with Rotaract Sporting, provided Ramadan kits to those in need. Here are all the details.

After having successfully collaborated in Ramadan 2019, Rotaract Sporting chose Naggari Food for the second consecutive year, as it trusted the premium quality of its food products and its proactivity in giving back to the community. So, they collaborate on providing Ramadan kits to the less privileged who were affected the most by COVID-19.

The Ramadan kits included Naggari Food ’s premium rice, sugar, beans, while also providing essential quality goods such as: pasta, oil, ghee, tomato paste, dates, flour, and tea, etc. In addition, Naggari Food used its specially made materials to package the Ramadan kits. It also delivered the kits to Rotaract team members to start the distribution process.

One of the main values that Naggari Food stands for is making high-quality food accessible to everyone, regardless of their social status or financial ability, especially during these difficult times. This could also mark the beginning of future initiatives to help everyone in need get back on their feet.